Private Booking Request
Step 1 of 6 - Your details

Please note:

The minimum number of attendees for a private booking is 6 and the maximum number is 12.

Course Type Requested: Paediatric combined with Emergency First Aid for the Workplace
Certificate issued by: Active Aid
Duration: 1.00 day


Please note that this course uses blended learning

Before attending the classroom attendees will need to complete a short online course in order to obtain a First Aid certificate. Full details of how to complete the online training will be sent two weeks before the classroom session.


If you have previously created an account with First Aid Cumbria you can log in to retrieve your details. Otherwise, continue below.
Items marked like this* must be completed

This address will receive all emails about this course.

This address will receive a copy of all emails about this course. Use this if you have e.g., an accounts department where invoices should be sent.

Enter your telephone number. If you enter a UK mobile number you will receive a text message reminder the day before the course if you are attending yourself.
If you want to create an account so that you can log in and manage your courses or more easily book future courses please enter a password below; your password can contain any characters but must be at least 8 characters long. If you do not want to do this just leave the password blank.